Sometimes when you’re completely overwhelmed because April 15 (tax deadline day in the US) is approaching a lot faster than you have the ability to procrastinate any longer, you just need a fast, easy and completely delicious option for eating. The good news for you is that I subscribe to Angela’s blog, Oh She Glows. I’ve featured her recipes before, and one of my favorites is Banana Bread Batter Instant Steel-Cut Oatmeal. I digress, although oatmeal sounds really yummy right now. Maybe I can have some later?
Last week Angela posted a recipe for these Black Bean & Potato Nachos, and as soon as the images popped up on my phone I knew those potatoes and I were going to become better acquainted: further proof that love at first sight is a real thing, people.
I almost didn’t share this recipe with you. Why? Because I’m vain. Because my pictures are not really that great. Because I was in a hurry to feed my daughter before running out the door to her next activity. Because the final presentation isn’t a presentation at all, but a globbing (yes, I just made up that word) mess of all the ingredients piled on top of each other and the (very amazing) cashew cream dumped everywhere not looking pretty at all.
And then I tasted what I created.
Which is the very reason you now have this post bursting with unpretty pictures, but it’s real life served on a platter. Because the end result is that good; I can’t not share it with you!
Oh, and don’t skip the cashew cream. I could eat that stuff by the spoonful. And maybe I had a few spoons, and maybe I didn’t. But here’s a trick I learned from Isa Chandra Moskowitz: planning ahead to soak the nuts can happen last-minute (meaning you don’t have a bazillion hours of notice to soak the nuts), so if you’re okay with the radiation (I am), put the nuts in the microwave for two minutes and you’ve saved yourself hours of prep time. I used this method with that amazing Chickpea & Rice Soup with Kale.
So if your life is real like mine, then these are probably the perfect solution for your family. We devoured them and enjoyed every single bite. And they weren’t bad cold the next day, either.
This is our new favorite meal! I am making it in a couple weeks for my cooking night at a family reunion. We’ll see how it is received among young and old! Can’t wait to post results. :)
Ohhhh! How wonderful! They’re in for a delicious treat!
I’m giving this recipe a try this week! Though I’ll have to resort to real sour cream – I haven’t been able to find cashews down here…
That’s too bad. The cashew cream is my favorite component. :-)
I bet it’s tasty! Cashews are my favorite nut, closely followed by almonds (which are also hard to find down here…)