Because delicious & healthy aren't mutually exclusive.

It was probably on my most of our resolutions lists in January, wasn’t it? It’s interesting how differently I view salad eating today than I did as a child. I’m fourth of eight children, so with ten mouths to feed making a salad requires an entire head of lettuce and multiple tomatoes, carrots, peppers, onion, the list goes on. What we added to the salad depended on the day, but it seemed like most meals (especially during the height of garden produce season) were accompanied by a fresh salad.

I love salads. I have cookbooks devoted just to salads. I make meals out of nothing but salads. I encourage everyone everywhere to eat more salad.

And I don’t do it, myself.

Until now.

Starting today I am eating more salad. Why? Because I love salads. And greens are good for me. And my body smiles from the inside out when I remember to feed it more salad.

I threw together this one for my lunch today, took a few pictures with my phone and decided to publicly commit.

I am eating more salads because I’m good enough. I’m strong enough. And gosh darn it, people like my salads. :-)


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