Because delicious & healthy aren't mutually exclusive.

Beverages Chocolate Food Vegan

Avocado + Chocolate = Delicious

If I’ve missed anything since banning dairy from my life, it’s a good milkshake. Gone are the days when I can pull through my neighborhood creamery and order the classic favorite, chocolate. If I wanted to go crazy, I would ask for a dollop of peanut butter added to the mix. And completely off the deep end? How about some chocolate chips, too! I know what you’re thinking: “Woah. Arminda lives on the edge.”

When I just so happened to (ahem) come across this recipe on Pinterest I decided to adapt it for myself and my fellow non-dairians. (Don’t worry about my newly-coined words, just keep moving.) My daughter, who lives and believes in a strictly dairy-full life, slurped it down without question and asked for more. Adjectives she used to describe this richness?

  • amazing
  • creamy
  • smooth
  • frothy
  • light
  • chocolatey

And one adverb: REALLY?! when I told her it was avocado.

There you have it, you really don’t have to take my non-dairy word for it. A teenager’s endorsement has got to be worth its weight in chocolate.

  1. Slice your avocado – you will only need one half per serving, although we split on cup because it was so rich.
  2. Put all of your ingredients into the cup (or blender). I love and adore my Bella Rocket Blender, and know there are many similar products on the market for single-serve blenders. I haven’t needed (or missed) my full-size blender since replacing it with this fabulous tool three years ago.
  3. Once you add your milk substitute (I used soy, but rice, coconut, almond, or another would work just as well) you’re ready to blend it all together.
  4. Be sure and blend long enough to completely puree the avocado or you will have tiny chunks of the green fruit getting stuck in your straw.
  5. Break out the straws and enjoy. This is really rich, so I split the serving in half and we both had plenty of creamy chocolate goodness. I nursed mine down for the better part of 90 minutes.


  1. Made these tonight and they were a big hit, by both the hubby and the 2-year old! So delicious. I used a regular, high speed blender. I added some ice in, instead of serving over ice, and it was great!

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