Because delicious & healthy aren't mutually exclusive.

Admittedly, it’s become something of an obsession, although I don’t think it’s out of control (yet). When I gave myself permission to get rid of my standard set of plates, bowls and matching mugs, reserving only one of each, I never imagined how liberating that would feel! I now have a cupboard full of dishes that match my eclectic tastes and loves, rather than each other.

I visualize what might look best under the scrutinizing lens of the camera, or as was the case with the muffin paper shaped bowl, it simply made me squeal with delight, thus confirming its place in my cupboard. Colors, patterns, monochromatic, shape, texture, all affect me differently, and I’m delighted to introduce you to my newest three additions.

Oh, and that muffin paper shaped bowl? It can withstand oven temperatures, so guess who will be baking a big old muffin in that beauty? I’m practically giddy with excitement!


  1. Oh, what an AMAZING idea!

    I’ve had the same dishes for 35 years and discovered this past year that I HATE them! I loved them forever, then no longer noticed them at all, then – suddenly – realized I can’t stand them. I’ve looked at dishes and see nothing I like + they’re terribly expensive.

    One-at-a-time and each one a special treat!

    I’m gonna give that a go.

    Thanks, Arminda, for sharing your insight!

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