Because delicious & healthy aren't mutually exclusive.

I’ve been sick for two weeks. And as a friend recently observed, “Boy, when you get sick you really get sick, don’t you?” Yes, I do. I’m an all or nothing kind of girl. Black or white. On or off. Awake or asleep. Full throttle or idle. So when it comes to illness I like to do it up right.

The part I like best about being sick is getting better. After all the yuck, that moment when my head feels clear again and I’m thinking lucid thoughts is beautiful because in that moment I realize what a gift our health is to each of us.

I am (usually) one of the healthiest people I know. There are a handful of people who love me who would tell you that I run too fast, too frequently and burn the candle at both ends and that’s why I end up so depleted when I do get sick, but we’re not here to talk about that. The good news is that I am back to my energetic self.

Today in honor of my return to normal I want to stand on my soapbox and remind you that you control 100% of what goes into your body. Good health doesn’t just happen by accident. It’s a gift we give ourselves through the choices we make each day.

  1. Choose to drink water. Here are 9 good reasons why.
  2. Choose to exercise regularly. I love keeping track of my activity with fitbit.
  3. Choose to eat more organics. Because chemicals are bad for you and 9 more reasons here. And if you can’t go all organic, start with these 17 items at least.
  4. Choose to get enough sleep. You really do need 7-9 hours nightly; trust me on this one.
  5. Choose to read for pleasure. Need some reasons? Here are five.
  6. Choose to laugh. As if you need an excuse, here are eight to get you started.

What else should we add to our list of daily choices?



  1. Glad you are feeling better! As usual – you’ve provided very nice advice! I appreciate the time you put into your blog!

  2. I think everyone would benefit from some sort of meditation – a daily period where we unwind and let our thoughts go. I also love watching a really sappy movie like Steel Magnolias where a good cry at the end is somehow cathartic. BTW – Some of the last scenes in the movie Armageddon – where Bruce Willis pushes the nuclear bomb detonator and where his life flashes before his eye – make me cry every single time – the power of his self sacrifice for mankind. Wait a minute – that’s what Jesus did too!!! Worship is a necessary part of every day of my life.

  3. “The part I like best about being sick is getting better. After all the yuck, that moment when my head feels clear again and I’m thinking lucid thoughts is beautiful because in that moment I realize what a gift our health is to each of us.”

    I know what you mean by that moment when you realize and feel that you are better. Sometimes it’s like a split second, a moment you don’t want to take for granted. You may get sick anyways in the future but sometimes that moment is also when you say, OK! I’ll change my bad habits from here on! haha

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